- P-ISSN 2233-4203
- E-ISSN 2093-8950
As a part of efforts to establish the positive list system (PLS) in South Korea, a method to determine residual ema- mectin benzoate (EB) in various aquatic products using QuEChERS-EDTA and LC-MRM was developed. The developed method was validated in the aspects of specificity, linearity (correlation coefficient of at least 0.996), sensitivity (the limit of detection and the lower limit of quantitation ≤ 5 ng/g), recovery (the recovery range of 87.4 and 96.2), and precision (the relative standard deviation of recovery between 0.9 and 13.5). Additionally, the validated method was successfully applied for monitor- ing EB contamination in eel, halibut, and shrimp collected from local food markets. To our knowledge, the present method is the first one to determine residual EB in various aquatic products at the level satisfying the PLS and could contribute to the estab- lishment of the PLS in South Korea.
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