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메뉴This study examined the mediating effects of fear of negative evaluation(FNE), fear of positive evaluation(FPE) and disqualification of positive social outcomes(DPSO) on the relationship between public self-consciousness(PSC) and social anxiety(SA) among college students. In this study, SA was divided into social interaction anxiety(SIA) and performance anxiety(PA). Participants included 316 undergraduates who completed a survey. There were three major results. First, PSC, SIA, PA, FNE, FPE and DPSO were positively correlated with each other. Second, FNE, FPE and DPSO had significant mediating effects on the relationship between PSC and SA. Third, when FNE, FPE and DPSO mediated the relationship between PSC and SA, the effect on PA was significantly greater than the effect on SIA, and in the path mediated by FNE, the effect on SIA was greater than the effect on PA. This paper discusses the findings and implications of this study.
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