ISSN : 2765-6934
Purpose This research develops the expanded Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to investigate the relationship between perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use with satisfaction and loyalty by considering the role of sharia compliance, commitment, and trust. Research design, data and methodology: A data source is 300 respondents from a self-administered survey. The target population is Muslims who are customers of Islamic banks, with age at least 18 years, and used e-banking to make payment transactions. The analysis methods are MANOVA and Multiple Linear Regression. Results: The results suggest that intention to use and actual behavior variables are replaced with satisfaction and loyalty. Commitment is not recommended, while trust is an explanatory variable that can be used as an external variable. Conclusions: It is important to increase satisfaction and commitment also concentrate to various aspects of sharia compliance to increase customer’s loyalty to use e-banking. The fulfillment of sharia compliance by Islamic banks will increase the Islamic bank customers loyalty.
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