• P-ISSN1010-0695
  • E-ISSN2288-3339

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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

Pilot Study on the Classification for Sasangin by the Voice Analysis

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2005, v.26 no.1, pp.93-102

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Objectives : This research was conducted to evaluate the method of Sasangin's classification by the voice analysis. So the 2 pilot tests were designed to solve the following problems ; 'what are the conditions at classification for Sasangin by the voice analysis ?' and 'what are the important variances of /a/ parameter ?'. Methods : The 122 volunteers were examined to make a diagnosis of Sasangin by QSCC Ⅱ and they were no diseases and healthy. First, they said /a/ three times for 2 seconds on the usual speech. Second, they said /a/ for 2 seconds by the different ways of high tone, mid tone, and low tone. The voice were collected by the recoding program (cooledit 2000) through the Sony microphone (ecm-261). We analyzed the voice by the maltlab that was the simulation toll Results : There were no differences and were correlations when one said /a/ three times for 2 seconds on the usual speech. There were somethings to correlate when one said /a/ three times for 2 seconds by the different ways of high speech, usual speech, and low speech. Others were nothing to correlate. We evaluated the value of Sasangin classification method by only /a/ voice analysis. The hit rattio was 66.3% of ; Soyangin 67.9%, Taeumin 68.0%, Soeumin 63.9%. Conclusions : We must set up the condition to use the method of Sasangin's classification by the voice analysis. The value of Sasangin classification method by only /a/ voice analysis was hit rattio 66.3%.

voice, Sasangin, classification, SCM (Sasangin Constitutional Medicine), voice, Sasangin, classification, SCM (Sasangin Constitutional Medicine)



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