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Korea Journal

  • P-ISSN0023-3900
  • E-ISSN2733-9343

International Rivalry in Korea and Russia’s East Asian Policy in the Late Nineteenth Century

Korea Journal / Korea Journal, (P)0023-3900; (E)2733-9343
2010, v.50 no.3, pp.176-201
석화정 (극동대학교)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


In the last decades of the nineteenth century, every important and complex issue representing international rivalry and collaboration was played out in Korea with the country serving as a pawn in the game of power politics. Korea’s strategic importance, its military weakness, its deficiency of accurate information, and a continuous flood of rumors and suspicions all contributed to its subordination by imperialistic forces. Among other things, the advent of Russia in power politics in Korea meant meaningful challenges not only for the Russophobic powers but also for Korea. This article seeks to reexamine some controversial issues on the rivalry and collaboration of the powers in Korea by providing materials never cited before, and thereby reevaluate Russia’s expansionism in Korea. Its scope covers some basic chronology of events in Korea, including the opening of Korea in 1876; political disturbances before and after the treaties with the West in the mid-1880s; the decade of Chinese dominance, 1885-1894; and the Russo-Japanese rivalry and collaboration,1895-1898. And each period in this study is characterized by the viewpoint not only of rivalry but also of collaboration in power policies.

Anglo-Russian rivalry, Russophobia, Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese rivalry, King Gojong, Queen Min, Russo-Japanese Convention, Korea’s independence



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Korea Journal