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Was Joseon a Model or an Exception? Reconsidering the Tributary Relations during Ming China

Korea Journal / Korea Journal, (P)0023-3900; (E)2733-9343
2011, v.51 no.4, pp.33-58

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The Joseon dynasty is recognized as being the most exemplary tributary state to the Ming dynasty of China. In particular, it is considered an ideal member of the tribute system, which is believed to have been established in its most orthodox form during the era of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). However, the historical facts demonstrate that Joseon Korea, though it fully observed the tributary rites, was an exceptional case. The evidence points to the fact that Ming China and most of its tributary states simply intended to maintain the status quo through the formation of superficial tributary relationships, while concealing any conflicts or opposing interests that may have existed. Thus,tributary relations were easily changeable and were based on the economic,cultural, and political benefits they represented. As the logic of the “tribute system” has emerged as a prominent topic of discussion, it has become necessary to take a cautious approach when it comes to regarding Joseon as a typical example of this system.

tribute relations/system, Joseon, Liuqiu, Annan, Japan, Ming China, vassal state, investiture-tribute, maritime trade prohibition, rite



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