open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The K-LDES scores of RD(n=11), ADHD(n=30), and RD with ADHD(n=15) were compared. Average scores deviated from norm by 2.7 standard deviation(RD group), 2 SD(comorbid group), and 1.5 SD(ADHD group). The ANCOVAs, with full scale IQ and verbal IQ as covariates, show that RD group have more difficulties than ADHD in speaking, reading, writing, and spelling. Comorbid group have more difficulties than ADHD in spelling and mathmatics. There was no difference between RD and comorbid group. 35 items of total 88 items of K-LEDS discriminated validly between RD and ADHD. Discriminant analysis was conductied to specify which factors contribute to differences between the two. Spelling classified the two groups with 75.5% accuracy, and explained 35.8% of variance. These results suggest that K-LEDS can discriminate between RD and ADHD as well as normal children. And it was discussed that spelling performances would be important in differential diagnosis of RD from ADHD.