open access
메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to compare the characteristics of Draw-A-Person Test among personality disorder cluster A, B, C. Size, placement, sequence, posture, placement of arm, pressure of line, continuity of line, shading, body simplification, head simplification, sexual elaboration, sexual differentiation, total 12 variables in Draw-A-Person Test were scored. In ANOVA or chisquire analysis, Size, sequence, stroke showed significant difference among cluster A, B, C. To further We differentiated the specific characteristics between two clusters. The results were as follows:(1)variables differentiated between cluster A and B were size, sequence, light pressure, discontinuity of line, (2)variables differentiated between cluster B and C were left placement, sequence, continuity of line, discontinuity of line, light pressure, (3)variables differentiated between cluster A and C were size, below of page, body simplification, sexual differentiation. In discriminant analysis, when all variables were put into analyses, hit-ratio was 71 % and this discriminant functions effectively differentiated the three clusters. The results suggest that size, sequence, continuity of line seem very important to differentiate among cluster A, B, C.