open access
메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
To test the reliability and validity of the Depression Adjective Check List-Korean version(K-DACL; Lee, 1993), 516 college students and 215 psychiatric patients including depression, anxiety disorders and somatoform disorders completed the K-DACL, BDI, BAI and Hopelessness Depression Scale(HDS; Lee, 1993). Internal consistency of the K-DACL was high(alpha=:92, .93), split=half reliability was high(r=.93, .91). and test-retest reliability was moderately low(r= .36) as expected. Concurrent validity estimates between K-DACL and BDI and HDS were moderlately high(r= .64 - .70) and the estimates between K-DACL and BAI was moderately low(r=.35) as expected. The diagnostic efficiency of the K-DACL was good in differentiating depression group from somatoform 'disorder and normal group. Optimal cut-off score of the K-DACL was 20/21 in males and 18/19 in females. The factor analysis supported the existence of two underlying factors, 'negative moods' and 'positive moods', which was robust across sex and diagnosis.