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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The present study examined the reliability, validity and factor structure of a Korean version of the Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep-brief version (DBAS-16). The Korean version of the DBAS-16, ISI and the, SCL-90-R depression, anxiety and hostility subscale were administered too the313 undergraduate students and 213 adults in the general population. The results of factor analysis of the K-DBAS-16 revealed a 4-factor structure: “misattribution or amplification of the insomnia's causes and consequences”, “loss of control and worry about sleep”, “unrealistic sleep expectation”, and “attitude toward medication.” In addition, the results showed relatively high internal consistency, adequate test-retest reliability over a four-week period and, good convergent and discriminant validity of the K-DBAS-16. Finally,the implications and limitations of the present study and suggestions for the future research were discussed.
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