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The purpose of this study was to explore the MMPI-A profiles of adolescent girls who are at high risk for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The participants (818 girls) completed the EAT-26KA and the eating disorder screening test based on the DSM-IV, Twenty-four girls were identified as being at high risk for anorexia and twenty girls were identified as being at high risk for bulimia. The comparison group consisted of twenty-four girls who were randomly selected from those students who had a low risk for anorexia or bulimia. The girls with a high risk for anorexia showed elevated scores on the Hs, D, Hy, and Si scales, while those with a high risk for bulimia obtained elevated scores on almost all the clinical scales, with highly elevated scores on the F, Hy, Pa, and Sc scales. The girls with a high risk for anorexia obtained significantly higher scores on the Si, A-las, and A-sod scales than did those girls with a high risk for bulimia, whereas girls with a high risk for bulimia showed significantly elevated scores on the F, Pd, Pa, Sc, Ma, A-aln, A-biz, A-fam, MAC-R, and ACK scales compared to those girls with a high risk for anorexia. Girls with a high risk for bulimia also obtained significantly higher scores on the AGGR, PSYC, and DISC scales than did the other two groups. The results of the stepwise regression analyses revealed that impulse-related issues and introversion may be important in discriminating between the girls with a high risk for bulimia and the girls with a high risk for anorexia. The limitations of this study and suggestions for further research are also discussed.
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