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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
While there is a growing accumulation of independent studies to show effectiveness of anger management programs with institutionalized juvenile delinquents, there is a dearth of clinical trials on the therapeutic effects of laughter therapy(LT) in these areas of research. Hence, the specific aim of this clinical trial was to compare the differential therapeutic effects of laughter therapy(LT) and cognitive behavior therapy(CBT) on anger reduction and management in institutionalized juvenile delinquents. Ninety male participants (mean age 20.12 yrs) were recruited from the Cheonan Juvenile Correctional Facility and randomly assigned to either an integrative psychotherapy group with laughter therapy(IPG+LT) (n=45) or a cognitive behavior therapy group(CBTG) (n=45). Both groups attended a total of 10 sessions(120 minutes a week) over a 10-week period. The IPG+LT program entailed abdominal breathing laugher, anger control laugher, pain control laugher, and Taichichuan laugher skills. The CBTG program included anger management training, cognitive restructuring, mindfulness-based stress reduction(MBSR), self-control hypnosis, acceptance and commitment therapy(ACT), forgiveness therapy, psychodrama(role play), and interpersonal problem solving. The outcome measures used were the Primary Anger Thought Scale, the Secondary Anger Thought Scale, the Anger Expression Scale(AX), the Anger Behavior-Verbal Scale(AB-VS), the Hostile Automatic Thought Scale(HATS), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale(SES), and the Revised General Attitude and Belief Scale (R-GABS). While both interventions were associated with improvements in anger control and management over the duration of the study, post-hoc analysis indicated that IPG+LT was superior to CBTG. In conclusion, these novel findings suggest that institutionalized juvenile delinquents can benefit from both LT and CBT. It is further suggested that LT might have produced more a powerful contribution to anger management than CBT by means of its higher greater enhancement of self-esteem, satisfactory relationships and motivation, and communication skills.
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