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The present study examined the effects of response styles and essay writing treatments on changes in depressed mood and the contents of essays. The participants were 64 college students, who were divided into either ruminative or reflective response style groups, based on their scores on the Responses to Depressed Mood Questionnaire. All were given false negative feedback about their performance on a vocabulary test to induce a moderately depressed mood. The participants were then randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions designed either to focus on the negative feedback or to distract from that by writing essays. The results indicated that main effects of both response style and essay writing treatment on improvements in depressed mood were not significant. However, while in the failure experience-focused condition there was no difference in mood improvement between the two response style groups, there was a marginally significant difference in the neutral condition with the ruminative response style group showing greater improvements in depressed mood than the reflective response style group. A content analysis of the essays in the failure experience-focused condition indicated that the reflective response style group showed both problem-solving and positive contents more frequently than the ruminative response style group. While both of the groups produced a high frequency of negative content, the differences in frequency of negative content were not significant. Finally, the limitations and implications of the present study were discussed.
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