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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of perfectionism and the moderating effects of academic motivation on academic procrastination. A total of 600 university students completed a perfectionism scale_(Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale: MPS) and an academic motivation scale_(the motivation-related Study Problems Questionnaire: SPQ). Two weeks later they completed a measure of academic procrastination_ (Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students: PASS). The latter findings showed the necessity of controlling context effects. According to Council(1993; see also Council, Kirsch & Grant, 1996), when self-report measures are administered during the same testing session, respondents appear to infer a relationship between the measures and adjust their responses in the direction of the inferred relationship. To controlling context effects Council(1993; see also Council, Kirsch & Grant, 1996) proposed that the same self-report measures are administered at separate testing intervals(i.e. weeks apart), as different research projects that are carried out by different investigators. This study followed this way. The final group of participants used in this study comprised 382 students (187 males and 195 females). The data were analysed by correlation and multiple regression. The correlation analysis showed statistically significant negative correlations between perfectionism and academic procrastination and between academic motivation and academic procrastination. A positive correlation between perfectionism and academic motivation was also statistically significant. The multiple regression analysis showed that the interaction of perfectionism and academic motivation was significantly associated with academic procrastination. Taken together, perfectionism, academic motivation, and the interaction of perfectionism and academic motivation explained 18.3% of the variance of academic procrastination. Taken separately, academic motivation, the interaction of perfectionism and academic motivation, and perfectionism explained 13.2%, 2.9%, and 2.1% of the variance in academic procrastination, respectively. Academic motivation was found to have a mediating influence on the negative relationship between perfectionism and academic procrastination: the higher the level of academic motivation, the lower was the size of the negative relationship between perfectionism and procrastination. The implications and limitations of the study were discussed.
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