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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of near misses and gambling severity on the persistence of gambling behavior. The near miss has been considered a factor which encourages people to gamble. Eighty-two participants were recruited from a casino, a race track, and a bicycle race track and were divided into two groups, a pathological gambler group and a recreational gambler group. The subjects in each of these groups were then assigned to one of two experimental conditions, according to the existence of near misses. The results showed that, under near miss conditions, the pathological gamblers demonstrated significantly longer response times and played the game significantly more than recreational gamblers. Response latencies were unaffected by the presence or absence of near misses in either the pathological or recreational gambler groups, but the response latencies in the pathological group were nevertheless different from those in the recreational gamblers. The results of the present study confirm the findings of previous research on the effects of near misses and gambling severity on gambling behavior.
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