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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Marital beliefs are an important factor in the cognitive-behavioral approach to marital problems. The purpose of this study was to develop a scale for assessing marital beliefs and to investigate its psychometric properties. A 30 item marital beliefs scale was constructed on the basis of the results of a factor analysis of scores on 60 preliminary items (five items in each of 12 marital life areas). The factor analysis yielded two factors: traditional and modern marital beliefs. The marital beliefs scale was administered to another sample of subjects to examine its reliability and validity. The internal consistency of the scale was comparatively high. But its correlation with a general marital dissatisfaction scale (sub-scale of the Korean Marital Satisfaction Inventory) was not. However, when couple's data were investigated, a low, but statistically significant, positive correlation was found between a couple's marital dissatisfaction and the magnitude of their differences on the marital beliefs scale. This result indicated that the important factor in how marital beliefs lead to marital conflict is not the rigid or unreasonable nature of the beliefs held by husbands and wives, but rather the extent to which the they have different beliefs.
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