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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Recovery Attitudes Scale for persons with psychiatric disabilities. Exploratory factor analysis(N=340) using 121 initial items resulted in seven factors: (1) satisfaction with friends and neighbors, (2) knowledge of the mental health support system, (3) hope and optimistic outlook on life, (4) acceptance of illness, (5) satisfaction with family and relatives, (6) knowledge of coping strategies, (7) hope and optimistic outlook on prognosis. Considering the convenience of administration, the redundancy among items within each factor, and size of factor loadings, the final scale was reduced to 42 items. Confirmatory factor analysis using these 42 items resulted in favorable goodness of fit indexes(GFI = .959, AGFI = .954, NFI = .944, RMR = .059). Another confirmatory factor analysis for cross-validation (N=199; 42 items in 7 factors) also showed favorable goodness of fit indexes(GFI = .942, AGFI = .934, NFI = .924, RMR = .076). In addition, we calculated concurrent validities between the Recovery Attitudes Scale and the Hope scale(Snyder et al., 1991) and the ISMI(Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness; Ritsher et al., 2003). The results showed that all factors(7 factors) in the Recovery Attitudes Scale had significantly positive correlations with the Hope scale, and five out of the 7 factors in the Recovery Attitudes Scale had significantly negative correlations with the ISMI. We discussed comparisons between factor structure of the Recovery Attitudes Scale and those of previous research. Also, implications of the study and applicability of the scale were discussed.
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