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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aim of the present study was to investigate effects of stroke on cognitive functions measured by the Cognitive Scale for Older Adults (CSOA). The test assesses cognitive measures such as basic IQ, Executive IQ, language function, and verbal memory function. The participants were 31 stroke patients and 30 normal age-matched controls. There were three main findings. First, stroke patients had lower Basic IQ as well as lower Executive IQ scores compared to normal controls. The between-group difference was greater in Executive IQ relative to Basic IQ. Second, NCI (No Cognitive Impairment), VCI (Vascular Cognitive Impairment), and VAD (Vascular Dementia) groups were similar in showing lower Executive IQ relative to Basic IQ. Third, left-brain lesioned patients showed lower language function scores well as lower verbal memory function scores than right-brain lesioned patients. These results indicate that cognitive dysfunction following stroke is most severely evident as lowered scores in executive function relative to normal controls. The neural correlates of post-stroke executive dysfunction may be lesions affecting the frontal-subcortical circuits. The results also indicate clinical utility of CSOA in measuring cognitive functions of Korean older adults.
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