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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purposes of this study were 1) to identify the effects of attitude toward recovery on quality of life among persons with psychiatric disabilities, and 2) to test whether the individual effects of relevant variables (i.e., psychological symptoms, psychological functions, social support, and economic status) on quality of life variable are mediated by attitude toward recovery. Results from a stepwise regression analysis (N = 520 persons with psychiatric disabilities) with quality of life as a dependent variable showed that attitude toward recovery explained 43% of the total variance in quality of life. Economic status, psychological functions and social support explained 8%, 8%, and 2% of the total variance, respectively. Psychological symptoms were not a significant predictor. Based on previous studies and these results, a hypothetical model (Attitude toward recovery mediating effects model) was developed. This model predicted that the effects of psychological symptoms, psychological functions, social support, and economic status on quality of life would be mediated by paticipants' attitude toward recovery. A covariance structural analysis produced favorable goodness of fit indexes (GFI = .915, AGFI = .905, NFI = .921, NNFI = .934, CFI = .940) except for the chi-square value (χ2 = 900.95, p<.001). Analysis of the path coefficients in this model showed that each direct effect of attitude toward recovery, psychological functions, and social support on quality of life was positively significant, but the direct effect of psychological symptoms on quality of life was not significant. Also, the results showed that each indirect effects of psychological symptoms, psychological functions and social support on quality of life were significant when mediated by attitude toward recovery. However, the indirect effect of economic status, when mediated by attitude toward recovery, was not significant. In conclusion, the proposed attitude toward recovery mediating effects model was supported by the results of the current study. Implications of the study and applicability of the results were discussed.
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