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Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology

성인 ADHD, 난독성향 및 약물남용 증후에 대한 집행기능 모형의 타당성 검증

Validity of an Executive Function Model of ADHD Symptoms, Reading Difficulty and Substance Abuse in Adults


The current study presents an integrated executive function model that explains the interrelationships among deficits in two executive functions (working memory and inhibition), ADHD symptoms, and two conditions (reading difficulty and substance abuse) that are commonly comorbid with ADHD in adulthood. The validity of the integrated model was tested using structural equation modeling with an adult sample consisting of consecutive referrals to a university-based research project. The final model suggested that working memory problems directly contribute to reading difficulty as well as to inattentive symptoms in adults. Direct contributions of inhibition to ADHD symptoms were not supported. However, ADHD symptoms had direct and indirect contributions to substance abuse symptoms. Current findings suggest the crucial role of working memory in the manifestation of ADHD symptoms and comorbid reading problems and also suggest ADHD symptoms' contribution to the development of adult substance abuse. These findings were interpreted as generally supporting the hypothesis of the developmental heterogeneity of executive function profiles associated with the manifestation of ADHD symptoms and comorbidities in adulthood.

ADHD, executive function, reading difficulty, substance abuse, working memory, inhibition, ADHD, 작업기억, 억제, 집행기능, 난독성향, 약물남용, ADHD, executive function, reading difficulty, substance abuse, working memory, inhibition



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Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology