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The purposes of this study were to examine the differences between depressive and normal elderly persons' emotional experiences and coping styles and to confirm the effects of emotional characteristics on subjective well-being in old age. Depression was assessed using the Geriatric Depression Scale. The participants were 99 depressive and 201 normal elderly persons. The results showed that the depressive elderly experienced more negative emotions and fewer positive emotions than the normal elderly did. However, members of both groups optimized their affective characteristics by maximizing positive, and minimizing negative, emotional experiences. With regard to coping styles, both groups often used self-defensive coping, but the depressive elderly used passive-dependent coping more than the normal elderly did. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that economic status, education, negative emotions, and passive-dependent coping were significant predictors of subjective well-being in normal elderly persons, while positive and negative emotions were significant predictors in depressive elderly persons. The importance of quality of emotional life and the prevention and intervention for depression were discussed with regard to the elderly.
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