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This study aimed to investigate the role of dichotomous thinking (DT) as a major vulnerability in paranoia, testing the hypotheses that paranoid persons may use more DT and that paranoid symptoms may result from the dichotomous interpretation of interpersonal life events. When measured via the Dichotomous Thinking Index, the paranoid group (69 college students screened with Paranoia Scale) used DT more than control group (67 college students screened with Paranoia Scale) did. There was a larger difference between the groups on the ‘social splitting’ subscale, which divides persons into my side vs. your side, friend vs. enemy. We subsequently analyzed the whole sample (338 persons) by means of multiple regressions calculated with the paranoia score as a dependent measure and with each DT and life event as independent variables. The results showed DT interacted with interpersonal life events (such as criticism, and refusal) to predict the paranoid symptoms. However, non-interpersonal events (such as financial difficulty, and disease) didn't interact with DT in predicting paranoia. That is, the results showed the pathological functioning of DT in paranoia is confirmed but confined to the domain of interpersonal relationships. These results support the hypothesis that DT plays a role as cognitive vulnerability in paranoia. Finally, we discuss implications and limitations of this study and present directions for future researches.
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