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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study aimed to develop and validate a short form Functional Assessment Scale for persons with psychiatric disabilities (FAS-S) and to explore the factor structure of the FAS-S. Participants in Study 1 were 640 persons with psychiatric disabilities (410 males and 230 females). Participants' mean age was 38.1 (SD = 9.47). Exploratory factor analysis produced eight factors: (1) hygiene/health care, (2) insight/help seeking, (3) problem solving, (4) conversation skills, (5) household management, (6) task performance, (7) problematic behavior, and (8) interpersonal relationships. Study II, to validate the FAS-S, enrolled 506 participants (306 males and 200 females), who had suffered from psychiatric disorders for a mean period of 11.92 years (SD = 8.13). Confirmatory factor analysis using 24 items resulted in favorable goodness of fit indices (Chi-square = 416.5, df = 236, p < .001, GFI=.930, AGFI=.910, NFI = .924, NNFI = .958, CFI = .964, RMSEA = .041). Secondary factor analysis results showed two secondary factors (factor 1: “activities of daily life [DAL]”; factor 2: social skills) had favorable goodness of fit indices (X2 = 506.0, df = 244,p < .001, GFI = .916, AGFI = .897, NFI =.910, NNFI=.945, CFI = .951, RMSEA = .048). In addition, we calculated concurrent validities between the FAS-S sub-scales and certain other scales. The results showed that the DAL subscale of the FAS-S had a significant negative correlation to the PANSS, while the social skills subscale score of the FAS-S had significantly higher positive correlations with recovery attitude, hope, quality of life, and social support than did the DAL subscale score. We discuss the implications of these results and applications of the FAS-S.
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