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This study examined the relationships among parenting styles and children's life stress and negative automatic thoughts. It also investigated the moderating effects of parenting style with regard to the child's age and gender in order to clarify the mechanism of depression vulnerability. The participants were 345 male and female elementary and middle school students. The results showed middle school students experienced more life stress than elementary school students. In particular, female middle school students experienced appearance-related stress. Middle school students perceived more parental overprotection and mother's affection than did elementary school students. Correlational analysis revealed that across the whole sample, negative automatic thoughts were most strongly correlated with life stress, and also were significantly correlated with father's rejection, mother's rejection, father's overprotection, and mother's overprotection. Results varied according to child's age and gender. In the cases of elementary school children and male middle school children, father's rejection was most strongly correlated with negative automatic thoughts. Among female middle school students, mother's rejection was most strongly correlated with negative automatic thoughts. Multiple regression analysis showed that life stress, father's rejection and affection were significant predictors of negative automatic thoughts significantly across the whole sample. The moderating effects of mother's rejection and overprotection were also significant. There were age and gender differences here, too. In the case of male middle school students, the interaction of life stress and father's affection was significant. Among female middle school students, the interaction of life stress and mother's affection was significant. These results suggest that adolescents are more affected by the same gender parent's parenting style. This study's results may provide some important suggestions for preventive intervention in depression by increasing understanding of the mechanism of depression vulnerability according to age and gender.
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