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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study examined the effects of emotion dysregulation and an acceptance-based treatment on changes in depressive mood among university students. To strictly test the effect of the acceptance-based treatment, it was also compared to a problem-solving treatment focusing on alternative solutions to problems. Participants were 54 university students, assigned randomly to either acceptance-based treatment or problem-solving treatment. Each participant completed the Korean version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale. We induced depressive mood in the participants by providing mood-suggestive music and requiring them to recall sad mood-evoking events. Then, we provided theoretical rationales and instructions of the assigned treatment followed by a practical treatment session. Results demonstrated that emotion dysregulation was a significant predictor of psychomotor speed(a behavioral measure of depressive mood) and was superior to baseline depressive mood in this regard. The acceptance-based treatment condition showed a greater decrease in depressive mood, by a subjective measurement, than did the problem-solving treatment condition. Moreover, lack of emotional clarity(one dimension of emotion dysregulation) significantly moderated the acceptance-based treatment's effects on both short-term decrease in diastolic blood pressure and participants' willingness to engage in another challenge. The acceptance-based treatment's superior effectiveness as compared to the problem-solving treatment was more prominent the more participants lacked emotional clarity. When we explored the acceptance-based treatment's mechanism of action, we found that an increase in decentering showed a significant correlation with a decrease, pre- to post - treatment, in the subjective measure of depressive mood. We discuss the limitations and implications of the present study and its findings.
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