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The purpose of this research was to examine the independent and shared contributions of experiential avoidance and mindful attention awareness to the prediction of depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, psychological well-being, and life satisfaction. Participants were 216 university students, who completed self-report inventories measuring experiential avoidance, mindful attention awareness, depressive and anxiety symptoms, life satisfaction, psychological well-being, and general affect(positive and negative). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that experiential avoidance was a significant predictor of depressive symptoms, life satisfaction, and psychological well-being, and a marginally significant predictor of anxiety symptoms, when controlling for general affect and mindful attention awareness. Mindful attention awareness was a significant predictor of depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and psychological well- being, but not of life satisfaction, when controlling for general affect and experiential avoidance. Experiential avoidance and mindful attention awareness together significantly predicted all of the dependent variables examined, above and beyond general affect. The degree of their shared contribution was the greatest to psychological well-being, followed by life satisfaction, depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms in descending order. In conclusion, these findings suggest it is important to consider the roles of both experiential avoidance and mindful attention awareness, in order to help clients improve their depressive and anxiety symptoms and to help them enhance their psychological well-being. This research also suggests clinicians should focus on experiential avoidance in order to increase clients' life satisfaction.
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