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This study was an exploratory study to construct the Korean Rorschach Comprehensive System for children based on Exner's comprehensive system. One hundred thirteen Rorschach variables, rations, and special scores of 1,049 Korean children, 6~12 years old, were compared to American children norm. Also, we explored whether the location and popular responses were the same as those that suggested. The number of responses (R) totaled 22,067 and the analyzed results were as follows: First, Korean children showed significant differences on 53 variables of the 63 comparable variables (85.48%) and frequency indices were, also, significantly different. Second, 46 D responses and 23 Dd responses of Korean children’s response locations could be scored in the same location as Exner suggested (Exner suggested 82 D response locations and 130 Dd response locations). The Korean children's responses were commonly located on new 12 D and 84 Dd areas. Adding these new areas, there were 62 D and 132 Dd location areas. Third, form quality was rated on 19,357 responses, without Dd99 and DdS99, employing Exner's criteria. The number of responses rated as o, u, - were 6,862 (35.45%), 6,575 (33.97%), 5,920 (30.58%), respectively. Forth, examining Korean children’s popular responses, 5 same popular responses on card Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅷ were recorded among 13 popular responses given by Exner but not on the other cards.
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