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This study examined how Guided Autobiography affected elderly couples' subjective well-being and marital satisfaction. Guided Autobiography, which is based on the life review concept, includes two components. Participants first write an autobiographical essay on certain themes that have proven to be important in the lives of most people. Then, participants read their essays aloud to a group, to encourage and enrich life review. For this study, we revised the Guided Autobiography for elderly Korean couples. Participants were 43 older adults living in the community ranging in age from 60 to 84. There were 21 in the Guided Autobiography group and 22 in the control group. After the first and the eighth session, both groups filled out questionnaires that included measures of subjective well-being and marital satisfaction. Participants completed the course over 9 weeks, meeting weekly for about 90 minutes. Our analysis indicated that there were significant differences between pre-test and post-test scores for the Guided Autobiography group, whose members demonstrated a significant decrease in negative affect scores and improvement in global marital satisfaction scores. However, there were no significant differences between pre-test and post-test for the control group across all scale scores. Thus, these results suggest that Guided Autobiography may produce positive changes in negative affect and global marital satisfaction for elderly couples.
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