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This study investigated the rates at which alcoholics who had been discharged from an alcohol-treatment hospital achieved six months of abstinence in an effort to determine, the factors correlating with abstinence in alcoholics. Upon discharge, we investigated the psychosocial states of 191 patients, who had been admitted and treated for alcoholism. We then determined their degree of abstinence and examined various related factors at a six months follow-up. The abstinence rate at follow up was 44% (N=77). At discharge, the abstinence and relapse groups showed significant differences in the type of discharge, steps of change, desire for abstinence, treatment completion, and family attitude. However, there was no significant differences related to physical or psychiatric problems. At the six month follow-up, all groups displayed significant differences related to their attendance at alcoholics anonymous, attendance at therapist-led abstinence treatment, and occupation as well as family attitude, and anxiety and/or depression post-discharge. Our logistic regression analysis demonstrated that the desire for abstinence, treatment completion, and family attitude, and anxiety and/or depression post-discharge significantly predicted abstinence at the six month follow-up. These results indicate therapeutic approaches and strategies that clinicians could emphasize to aide in relapse prevention and recovery in alcoholics.
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