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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study examined cognitive deficits in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment(MCI) and sleep apnea syndrome(SAS). Specifically, each of the MCI and control group was divided into high/low SAS risk groups, and they were subjected to two computerized attention tests, including a visual search task and a continuous performance test. In addition, the four groups were subjected to several frontal executive function tests, including a trail making test, a stroop test, and a word fluency test. As a result, while the SAS level significantly affected several attention indices in the MCI group, it did not significantly affected measures of frontal executive function tests. More importantly, SAS had a greater impact on attention deficits in the MCI group than in the control group, whereas it had greater impact on frontal executive functions in the control group than in the MCI group. These results suggest the importance of corresponding evaluation and medical intervention since SAS might act as a deteriorating factor of cognitive functions for both in MCI patients and normal elderlies. Given that there hasn't been many researches in SAS with MCIs in Korea, this study has significance for experimental research with respect to the characteristics of cognitive deficits and SAS risk in MCI patients, Finally, limitations of this study and directions of future research were discussed.
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