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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to test the effects of the acceptance-commitment group therapy(ACT) on the psychological well-being, depression, experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion mothers of children with developmental disabilities. Six sessions of the were administered. Twelve mothers of children with developmental disabilities were assigned to treatment group and were assigned to control group. Both were pre- post-treatment month follow-up assesment psychological well-being, depression, experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion. The results that the treatment group reported significantly higher psychological well-being and depression symptoms compared to the control group. In addition, the treatment group reported significantly lower scores level of cognitive fusion compared to control. No significant changes occurred experiential avoidance. Results indicated that the treatment group treatment effect than the control group psychological well-being, depression and cognitive fusion. hese results suggest that can be applied effectively. Finally, limitations of the present study and suggestions were discussed.
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