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Effects of Social Skills Training Using the Videos of Social Cognitions for Schizophrenics


The purpose of this study was to examine whether social skills training using videos of social cognitions for schizophrenic in-patients would be more effective on social functioning and relationships than traditional social skills training group therapy. The social skills training group using videos of social cognitions consisted of ten participants, and the traditional behavioral social skills training group had 13. All subjects participated in a total of ten once-weekly sessions for ten weeks. The social skills training using videos of social cognitions program was a combination of traditional behavioral social skills training and training for enhancing social cognitions. The subjects’ behaviors were assessed during the pre- and post-programs in order to examine the effects of the social cognitions and the development of social skills. The scales used in this study included the Picture Arrangement of Korean-Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Relationship Change Scale(RCS). The results were as follows. First, schizophrenics who had completed the program which used videos of social cognitions significantly improved with respect to Picture Arrangement of Korean-Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. Second, they also improved with respect to total scores on the RCS and showed more improvement in the subscales of the RCS including satisfaction, communication, sensibility, openness, and consideration. Further, this group significantly improved with respect to performance in communication and sensibility on the RCS. Finally, the clinical implications and limitations of this study and direction of future research have been discussed.

정신분열병, 동영상, 사회성기술훈련, 사회인지, schizophrenia, video of social perceptions, social skills training, social cognition



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