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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The present study analyzed effects of age, education, and gender on 11 cognitive measures in a sample of 756 older Korean adults. Partial correlations were computed to control for significant correlations among the demographic variables. The major findings were as follows. First, the effect of age ranged from .6 to 21.4% across 11 measures, with a mean of 8.0%. The age effect was the highest for the measures of the naming and memory functions. Second, the effect of education ranged from 1.2 to 38.3% across 11 measures, with a mean of 13.5%. The education effect tended to be high for the measures of learned knowledge and low for the measures of the executive as well as the memory function. Third, the effect of gender ranged from .1 to 5.3% across 11 measures, with a mean of 1.4%. The gender effect was relatively high for the measures of the information function (male > female) and memory function (female > male). The total effect of age, education and gender ranged from 1.9 to 52.7% across 11 measures, with a mean of 23.0%. Those measures with high total effects tended to show stronger effects of education relative to age, whereas those measures with low total effects tended to show stronger effects of age relative to education. These results provide useful data for understanding the cognitive characteristics of Korean older adults and their clinical evaluations.
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