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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to investigate the body shame mediated the relationships between the covert narcissistic personality tendency and disordered eating behaviors. Three hundred eight seven undergraduate students participated in this study. They were asked to complete the questionnaires concerned with the covert narcissism scale (CNS), the body shame scale and the disordered eating behavior scale (EAT-26). The results indicated that through structural equation modeling, the complete mediation model for the influence of body shame between the covert narcissistic personality tendency and disordered eating behaviors was confirmed. Additionally, we examined the differences in the three subtypes of disordered eating behaviors in the proposed mediating model. The results showed that the complete mediating effect was confirmed for anorexia, and the partial mediating effect was confirmed for binge eating behaviors. On the other hand, the mediating effect was not confirmed for eating control behaviors. The results suggest that if people with the covert narcissistic personality tendency feel body shame, then they are apt to show disordered eating behaviors. Finally, we addressed the implications and limitations of this study and we made suggestions for future studies.
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