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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The current study was conducted to shed light on the specific mechanism by which self-compassion, separately from or activated by life stress, influences psychological health. Based on previous studies and literatures, mediated moderation models were proposed, in which decentering plays a mediating role in the link between self-compassion and psychological health, as well as in the moderation effect of self-compassion and life stress on psychological health. Four hundred eighty five university students completed an assessment battery consisting of the measures of self-compassion, life stress, decentering, psychological well-being, depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms. Path analyses and Sobel's tests were used to evaluate the mediated moderation models and the mediational effects of decentering. The results indicated that the mediated moderation models provided a close fit to the data on psychological well-being, as well as depressive or anxiety symptoms. Decentering partially mediated the influence of self-compassion on psychological well-being and it fully mediated the impact of self-compassion moderated by life stress on psychological well-being. In contrast, these mediational effects of decentering on depressive and anxiety symptoms were not supported. These results suggest that one way via which self-compassion, separately from or activated by life stress, has positive effects on psychological well-being is through increasing decentering. In addition, self-compassion interacted with life stress such that it played a more prominent role in protecting against anxiety symptoms during higher life stress than during lower life stress. Finally, the results were discussed in terms of the possibility of other constructs to mediate the relationship between self-compassion and psychological health, particularly depressive or anxiety symptoms, and their implications for research and treatment, as well as the limitations of this study.
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