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The purpose of this study was to compare parenting stress among mothers with PDD, AHDH, and typically developing children and its association with children's problem behaviors. Mothers completed K-PSI and K-CBCL. One-way ANOVA and standard multiple regression was used for the analysis. The results showed that mothers of PDD and ADHD reported significantly higher parenting stress and more child problem behaviors as compared with the control group. Higher stress was reported inon the restricted role and acceptability subscales of the child domain for the mothers of child with PDD and inon the reinforcement and attachment subscales of the parent domain for mothers of child with ADHD. No differences were found inon the health and social isolation subscales. Parenting stress was affected by child's problem behaviors, though its association was rather different depending on the diagnosis. Both the PDD and ADHD groups showed lower correlation between the parenting stress and the internalizing behavior problems than did the control group. However, in terms of externalizing problem behavior, only the ADHD group showed lower correlation than the control group. The PDD group showed no differences. The implications, limitations, and directions for future research were discussed.
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