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The purpose of this study was to examine the utility of the Delay Discounting Task, one of the behavioral tasks that measure impulsivity. Self-management ability was used as a dependent variable for the impulsive behavior. First, the difference in the performance of delay discounting task between the high-level and low-level self-management ability groups was explored. Second, correlations among the delay discounting task, a self-report questionnaire, and self-management ability were investigated. Finally, through controlling a self-report questionnaire measure, the independent influence of the delay discounting task on self-management ability was examined. Participants were 74 undergraduate students attending a self-management course at the university. Individuals performed a self-management project during a semester of the course and submitted a report including all related behaviors at the end of the semester. The report was evaluated and used as a dependent variable. The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11 (BIS-11) was used as a self-report questionnaire measure. Results showed that the low-level self-management ability group reported significantly lower value in delay discounting task than the high-level group; this reflected a higher level of impulsivity for the low-level group. Both BIS-11 and the delay discounting task were significantly correlated with self-management ability, yet the correlation between BIS-11 and the delay discounting task was not significant. Furthermore, significant effect of the delay discounting task on the self- management ability was found even after controlling gender and BIS-11. These results implied that the delay discounting task was a useful measure that indicated impulsivity-related behaviors differently than the self-report. This suggests the need to utilize two different measures when evaluating impulsivity. More implications and limitations are discussed.
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