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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
To obtain a empirical validity of restructured clinical scales of MMPI-2, data collected from psychiatric patients who were diagnosed as psychotic disorder(n=39), depressive disorder(n=36) and anxiety disorder (n=46). Convergent validity was explored by analyzing zero-order correlations among clinical scales and restructured clinical scales of MMPI-2. RC scale had stronger correlational relations with the original clinical scale of each own. Discriminant validity was confirmed by the results that correlational coefficients among restructured clinical scales was lower than those among clinical scales. RC scales were generally correlated stronger with conceptually relevant subscale of SCL-90-R than irrelevant subscale, which supported concurrent validity. Discriminant validity was also tested by comparing the mean of T score of RC scales from psychotic disorder, depressive disorder, and anxiety disorder. Specifically, RC1 was highest in anxiety disorder, followed by depressive disorder and psychotic disorder and RC4 was highest in depressive disorder, followed by anxiety disorder and psychotic disorder. Also, RC2 was higher in depressive disorder and anxiety disorder than psychotic disorder. These findings suggest that restructured clinical scales have satisfactory and incremental validity, in addition to informational value in evaluating patients with psychiatric disorders. Finally, the results and implications of this study discussed with the stream of previous research.
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