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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The current study examined whether a cognitive-behavioral program could reduce low-income students' depressive vulnerability, and explored the moderator variables that could affect the intervention effects. The participants were 34 fifth- and sixth-grade elementary-school students in one metropolitan area, with 18 children in the experimental intervention program and 16 in the control condition. This experimental program comprised 10 sessions; a teacher whose graduate school major was counseling conducted the program. After the experimental group finished the program, the teacher administered it briefly to the control group, too. To measure the participants' depressive vulnerability, we used the Korean Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale for Children and the Global Self-esteem Scale for the pre- and post-tests. The results showed a statistically significant reduction in only the experimental group's dysfunctional attitudes and a significant improvement in only that group's self-esteem. Thus, the cognitive-behavioral program reduced depressive vulnerability in the children of low-income families. Furthermore, we showed gender and pre-dysfunctional attitudes level were moderator variables affecting intervention effects. That is, the program was more effective for females than for males and for children with high levels of pre-dysfunctional attitudes than for children with low levels. Our results suggest that this cognitive-behavioral program, administered at school, effectively reduces depressive vulnerability in children of low-income families, but the effect size could vary according to the characteristics of the children.
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