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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
BASIS-32 is one of the measurement derived from patient perspectives and covers the major symptoms and functioning difficulties experienced as a result of mental illness. This study was conducted to verify the reliability and validity for the BASIS-32 designed to assess the patient's self-ratings, which could presented different way from clinician. The research packet was administerd to 190 psychiatric patients: BASIS-32, GHQ, SCL-90-R. BASIS-32's reliability was tested by internal consistency, item-total correlation and test-retest reliability. Its validity was tested by factor analysis, concurrent validity, and discriminant validity. BASIS-32 was reliable in terms of internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and corrected item -total correlation r ranged from .49 to .72. The exploratory factor analysis revealed that BASIS-32 had 5 factors. In addition, estimates of validity of BASIS-32 were established with the criterion measures in conceptually expected ways. Correlations between BASIS-32 and GHQ, symptom subscales of SCL-90-R showed sufficient concurrent validity. These results offer the reliability and validity for BASIS-32. Using BASIS-32 assessed patient's subjective clinical symptoms and difficulties, more comprehensive information could be obtained. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed, and future directions of study were suggested.
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