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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between subjective empathic ability based on self-reporting and objective empathic ability measured by an empathic accuracy experiment. To accomplish this, 311 students completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI). Next, 36 depressive participants and 38 non-depressive participants who were selected based on BDI score participated in an empathic accuracy experiment. Participants were assigned to 4 groups by depressive state of the perceiver who was agent of empathy and the target who was the objective of empathy. After dyad's interaction, the empathic accuracy of participants for other's thoughts and feelings were measured. The depressed group showed better empathic ability than the non-depressed based on the IRI's fantasy and personal distress subscale. However, there was no difference between the depressed group and the non-depressed group in the empathic accuracy experiment. Moreover, there was no effect on the perceiver's and the target's main effects or interaction effect. Additionally, analysis in the neutral emotional valence context showed that the depressed group had lower empathic accuracy than the non-depressed group, especially for the depressed target.
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