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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to understand how self-efficacy in internet-game and reality and use motivation affect internet-game use. In addition, we examined to self-regulation meditate in flow experience and pathological use of internet-game. To achieve this goal, we collected internet-game use questionnaires from 184 adults internet-game users. The results were as follows. First, pathological internet-game use and flow experience showed negative correlation with self-efficacy in reality, self-regulation, but showed positive correlation with internet-game use motivation and self-efficacy in internet-game. And pathological internet-game showed positive correlation with flow experience of internet-game. Second, multiple regression analysis showed that use motivation, average use time and self-efficacy in internet-game and reality are able to screen flow experience of internet-game. In pathological internet-game use, use motivation, average use time, self-efficacy in internet-game and reality and self-regulation were extracted. Finally, path analysis indicated relationship among self-efficacy in internet-game and reality, use motivation, self-regulation, flow experience and pathological use of internet-game. Therefore, pathological internet-game use would partly mediate by self-regulation. Implication and limitations of this study and suggestions for future studies were discussed.
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