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This report describes the psychometric properties of the primary scales of the Inventory of Personality Organization(IPO; Kernberg & Clarkin, 1995; Clarkin, Foelsch, & Kernberg, 2001), which assess Primitive Defenses, Identity Diffusion, and Impairment of Reality Testing in a nonclinical sample. Participants (N=477) completed the IPO and measures of theoretically related concepts. The results were as follows. First, the three IPO scales displayed adequate internal consistency and good test-retest reliability. Second, confirmatory factor analysis supported a three-factor structure of the IPO (i.e., Primitive Defense, Identity Diffusion, and Impairment of Reality Testing). Third, each of the three IPO scales was associated with an immature defense mechanism, lack of self-concept clarity, and schizotypy. as well as a negative affect, aggression, anxiety, depression, emotional dysregulation, and insecure attachment. Finally, differences in psychological and emotional features were observed between a neurotic personality organization group, a borderline personality organization group, and a psychotic personality organization group. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the IPO possesses an appreciable reliability and validity.
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