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Assuming anger rumination as a cognitive variable influencing anger experience (trait anger) and expression, this study attempts to explore the role of working memory capacity as a variable controlling the relationship between anger rumination and anger. For this study, a questionnaire survey and a working memory capacity experiment was conducted on 120 university students. Reading the research methods, the study was explained to the participants, who in turn were encouraged to compose questionnaires. When the experiment completion signs appeared after completion of the experimental tasks, the examiner was allowed to fill in the test form with the number of words and endings that the participants had memorized. The results of this study were as follows. First, three sub-factors of anger rumination all showed positive correlation with trait anger, and with anger-in/anger-out, two of three sub-factors of anger expression excluding anger-control. Second, the sub-factors of anger rumination and working memory capacity had significant influence on trait anger and anger expression. Third, as a result of hierarchical multiple regression analysis for examination of control effects, working memory capacity showed interactive effects in its relations with anger rumination and trait anger, meanings that working memory capacity had influence on increase or decrease of anger experience in the relations.
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