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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of emotion regulation on a mechanism explaining internet game addiction (daily stress → psychological distress → internet game addition). For this purpose, K-scale (Korean version of internet addiction scale), DERS (Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale), Korean version of stress scale, and BSI-18 (Brief Symptoms Inventory-18) were administered to 415 junior high school students residing in Seoul and Kyungkido Province. Results of Path analysis indicated that daily stress had only an indirect effect on internet game addiction, but emotion regulation had a direct effect as well as an indirect effect on internet game addiction and its total effect on internet game addiction was much larger than the total effect of daily stress. Emotion regulation attenuated the effect of daily stress on psychological distress, but promoted the effect of psychological distress on internet game addiction. In addition, for individuals with higher emotion regulation, the indirect effect of daily stress was lower, but the indirect effect of emotion regulation was greater. Implications of the study were discussed.
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