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Affective instability is a construct that has not received sufficient research attention in spite of its close relation with various areas of psychopathology. Through the study, it was attempted to translate and validate in Korean sample the Affective Lability Scale-Short Form (ALS-SF; Oliver & Simons, 2004), a self-report scale measuring affective instability. In Study 523 cyber university students completed the ALS-SF along with the Personality Assessment Inventory-Borderline Features Scale, Bipolar Spectrum Disorder Scale, and Beck Depression Inventory, three measures working as criteria variables for validation. ALS-SF showed significant correlations with all three measures, supporting its convergent validity. In addition, the exploratory factor analysis to examine the internal structure revealed the same 3-factor structure consisting of “Elation/Depression”, “Anxiety/Depression”, and “Anger” factor as in previous studies. As a further research effort, the construct validity of the ASL-SF was investigated against the criterion of everyday life in Study 2. For this purpose, the high and low affective lability (AL) group that were screened from the sample of Study 1 using the ALS-SF (each consisting of 21 subjects) kept mood diaries over two weeks, the standard deviations of which were analyzed as the index of mood variability. In the results, the high AL group showed greater variability in both positive and negative mood than the low AL group, supporting the construct validity of the ALS-SF. The score for the ALS-SF measured at a single point in time can predict the ups and downs of mood over time in everyday life. Finally, the limitations of this study and possible directions for future research were discussed.
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