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Gray's original Reinforcement Theory is the bio-psychological model of personality that is composed of the behavioral activation system(BAS), the behavioral inhibition system(BIS) and the fight/flight system(FFS). Each system is related in psychopathology as well as motivation, emotion and behavior of human. But, in 2000, Gray and McNaughton presented revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory(rRST) that are many differences form oRST. As sharp of the anxiety and fear, Behavioral Inhibition system and FFFS that previously were included with the punishment sensitivity was differentiated. However, There was no appropriate psychometric tool designed to assess the construct of the revised RST. Jackson(2009) has developed the Jackson-5 scales for measurement of rRST. The purpose of this study was to verify the validity of the newly developed Jackson-5 scales. For this study, 465 undergraduate students conducted Korean Jackson-5 scales, the K-EPQ(Korean version Eysenck Personality Scale), the Trait Anxiety of STAI-YZ(Spielberger’s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-form Korean YZ), Dickman’s the Impulsivity scales and the FFFS scale were extracted from factor analysis using Caver and White’s BIS/BAS scales. To investigate the factor structure of the Jackson-5, exploratory factor analysis was conducted. The internal consistency(⍺) is .54 to .77, test-retest reliability(r) was generally acceptable as .62 to .83. A factor analysis revealed that generally five factors were appropriate, but two items were loaded on other factors. The validity of the Jackson-5 was adequate. some of limitations of this study and further research of this study were discussed.
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