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The aim of this study was to compare the definition and assumptions of mediated and moderated effects frequently used in recent clinical research and to introduce a combination of the models verifying these two effects. Frist, difference of research questions and hypotheses, verification of each effect is attempted, is discussed through comparison of the models of these two effects. Differences in discussion of advance research for each research problem and hypothesis testing were also presented. Second, differences between conceptual models and statistical models of moderated and mediated effects were described to explain mistakes many clinical psychologists make in the process of verifying the models of these two effects. Third, considerations and methods used in performance of statistical significance tests for mediated and moderated effects are followed. Last, conditional process models, combining models verifying moderated effects and models verifying mediated effects, are presented. Under the framework of the conditional process models, integration of mediated moderational effects and moderated mediational effects is presented.
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