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The purpose of this study is to develop the Parenting Anxiety Scale for mothers of preschool and school-aged children, and to examine the reliability and validity of this Scale. The preliminary study was conducted in order to develop content items for the Parenting Anxiety Scale. Eighty nine mothers, experiencing parenting anxiety were asked to report the difficulties with parenting their children. The content items selected based on the parental reports were analyzed by factorial procedure. The preliminary Parenting Anxiety factors were composed of Parenting Efficacy, Attachment, perfectionism, parent-child bonding, and social support system. -The preliminary items selected by the experts in parenting were reduced from 82 to 60 items. The first study was conducted to determine the factors of the Parenting Anxiety Scale. The 60 preliminary items were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, and five factors and final 26 items were selected for the Parenting Anxiety Scale, including parenting efficacy_(6 items), anxiety due to mother-child attachment_(5 items), worries about children_(5 items), anxiety regarding- social support_(4 items), and perfectionism_(6 items). The second study was conducted to determine the concurrent validity of the Parenting Anxiety Scale using confirmatory factor analysis. The internal consistency and factors of inter-item correlation of the Parenting Anxiety Scale demonstrated satisfactory reliability. The newly developed parenting anxiety showed a correlation with another related scales. In summary, these studies proved that the newly developed Parenting Anxiety Scale can be a reliable and valid scale for assessment of parenting anxiety.
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