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The current study examined the short-term effects of a group positive psychology intervention (PPI) on psychological health in a Korean sample of university students. In addition, to shed light on the mechanism of changes in the PPI, this study proposed strengths use as a potential mediator of treatment changes on the basis of literature review. A group PPI consisted of 8 weekly 120-min sessions. Forty-four participants in the PPI group and 49 in a psychoeducation group completed the measures of psychological health and utilization of character strengths at pre-intervention, after session 4, and post-intervention. Compared to the participants in the psychoeducation group, those in the PPI group showed decreases in negative affect and depressive symptoms, as well as increases in positive affect, mental well-being, psychological well-being, life satisfaction, and strengths use. However, there was a weak change in perceived stress following a group PPI. Early increase in strengths use partially mediated the short-term effects of the PPI on positive affect, negative affect, depressive symptoms, mental well-being, and life satisfaction. In conclusion, these findings suggest that a group PPI can lead to improvements in psychological health of university students, which are mediated through changes in strengths use. Finally, implications and limitations of the current study, and directions for future research are discussed.
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